

Our story begins in 2009, when our father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. We decided to invest in a culture with the objective of helping in the maintenance of the land and that demanded a more constant presence on the property, so that everyone could be close to him, helping with whatever was necessary.

We chose the Bordô cultivar due to its characteristics of color, flavor and aroma. The first vineyard was planted in 2010 and in 2012 we made our first grape juice. At first, all the production was for own consumption  and distribution among friends, but the success was so great that it encouraged us to invest in the business.

Our facilities meet the requirements of legislation and since 2015 the grape juice Caminhos de Minas® is registered at the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture.

We have the mission of producing a 100% natural product, with no added sugar, dyes or preservatives, with the commitment to deliver a high quality food every day.

Health, quality and respect to the environment are our great values.

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