Sustainable Production

All steps in production are managed with care to ensure the quality from the vineyard to the bottle.
We also have great concern about the environment. Over 30% of the land is covered with native or planted trees, keeping biological diversity and carbon sequestration.

Winter pruning and sprouting

At the end of autumn, the vines are treated with lime sulphur to reduce the load of fungi harmful to plants and in the beginning of winter  organic matter is applied to soil. The production cycle of our juice begins in July, with the winter pruning.  At sprouting (August) the focus is on plant nutrition and monitoring of diseases and pests.

Flowering and Maturation

In September, flowering begins followed by bunch development and ripening . The ripening phase is marked by great changes in berries’ composition such as sugar increasement, decrease in acid content and color change. During maturation, the use of pesticides is suspended in order to avoid residues in the juice. Periodic assessments of the sugar content, pH and acidity of the fruit are made to determine the harvest date.

Harvesting, Processing and Bottling

At harvest, the bunches are carefully examined in the field to remove contaminated berries. Bunches are then transported to a cold chamber where they are kept at cold temperature (5 to 8°C) until processing. Destemmed berries are placed in the extraction chamber where juice extraction is accomplished by water vapor for 150 min. The juice is then pasteurized and bottled at 80°C with no addition of preservatives, maintaining the characteristics of the fruit.

Caminhos de Minas Grape Juice, 100% natural, quality and health for your family.